Discover 3 Hotels/Accommodations (Agoda) in Douala, Cameroon in this map. The most exciting sights, the best hotels, a diverse nightlife, recommended restaurants and more for your Douala vacation. Updated constantly, free and available for desktop/smartphone/tablet.
Douala is the largest city in Cameroon and its economic capital. It is also the capital of Cameroon's Littoral Region. It was home to Central Africa's largest port, now being replaced by Kribi port. It has the country’s major international airport, Douala International Airport (DLA). It is the commercial and economic capital of Cameroon and the entire CEMAC region comprising Gabon, Congo, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Central ... (read more on Wikipedia)
Calling code: +237 | Area: 210.00 km² | Elevation: 13 m
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