Airports in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Discover 1 Airports in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo in this map. The most exciting sights, the best hotels, a diverse nightlife, recommended restaurants and more for your Lubumbashi vacation. Updated constantly, free and available for desktop/smartphone/tablet.

Lubumbashi (former names: Élisabethville (French); (Dutch)) is the second-largest city in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, located in the country's southeasternmost part, along the border with Zambia. The capital and principal city of the Haut-Katanga Province, Lubumbashi is the center of mining in the region, acting as a hub for many of the country's largest mining companies. No definite population figures are availa... (read more on Wikipedia)

Calling code: +243 | Area: 747.00 km² | Elevation: 1,208 m | Inception: 1910

11:36 AM
78° F

Map (1 locations, show in full screen)


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Additional Democratic Republic of the Congo maps: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kinshasa