Airports in Nampula, Mozambique

Discover 1 Airports in Nampula, Mozambique in this map. The most exciting sights, the best hotels, a diverse nightlife, recommended restaurants and more for your Nampula vacation. Updated constantly, free and available for desktop/smartphone/tablet.

Nampula [nɐ̃ˈpulɐ] is the capital city of Nampula Province in Northern Mozambique. With a population of 743,125 (2017 census), it is the third-largest city in Mozambique after Maputo and Matola. The city is located in the interior of Nampula Province, approximately 200 kilometers from the coast and is surrounded by plains and rocky outcrops. The city is a major regional centre for the entire Northern region of Mozambiqu... (read more on Wikipedia)

Calling code: +258 | Area: 320.00 km² | Elevation: 360 m | Inception: 1919

07:15 PM
77° F

Map (1 locations, show in full screen)


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Additional Mozambique maps: Maputo, Matola, Mozambique