Sights/Attractions in Tunis, Tunisia

Sightseeing, Tourist Attractions, Landmarks, Things to Do etc.

Discover 9 Sights/Attractions in Tunis, Tunisia (Tunis etc.) in this map. The most exciting sights, the best hotels, a diverse nightlife, recommended restaurants and more for your Tunis vacation. Updated constantly, free and available for desktop/smartphone/tablet.

Tunis (Arabic: تونس) is the capital and largest city of Tunisia. The greater metropolitan area of Tunis, often referred to as "Grand Tunis", has about 2,700,000 inhabitants. As of 2020, it is the third-largest city in the Maghreb region (after Casablanca and Algiers) and the eleventh-largest in the Arab world. Situated on the Gulf of Tunis, behind the Lake of Tunis and the port of La Goulette (Ḥalq il-Wād), the city ... (read more on Wikipedia)

Capital of Tunisia | Calling code: +216 (71) | Area: 212.63 km² | Elevation: 4 m

01:29 AM
48° F

Map (9 locations, show in full screen)


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Additional Tunisia maps: Djerba, Hammamet, Sousse & Monastir, Tunisia