Nightlife/Party in Bhopal, India

Clubs, Bars, Discos, Theatres, Lounges, Pubs, KTVs etc.

Discover 2 Nightlife/Party in Bhopal, India in this map. The most exciting sights, the best hotels, a diverse nightlife, recommended restaurants and more for your Bhopal vacation. Updated constantly, free and available for desktop/smartphone/tablet.

Bhopal (ISO: Bhōpāla, Hindi: [bʱoːpaːl]) is the capital city of the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh and the administrative headquarters of both Bhopal district and Bhopal division. It is known as the City of Lakes, due to presence of various natural and artificial lakes near the city boundary. It is also one of the greenest cities in India. It is the 16th largest city in India and 131st in the world. After the formation... (read more on Wikipedia)

Calling code: +91 (91-755) | Area: 648.24 km² | Elevation: 427 m

03:59 PM
71° F

Map (2 locations, show in full screen)


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