
Flights - Airlines: OFD Ostfriesischer-Flug-Dienst

OFD Ostfriesischer-Flug-Dienst

OFD Ostfriesischer-Flug-Dienst GmbH (German for East Frisian Flight Service), usually shortened to OFD, is a German regional airline headquartered in Emden and based at Emden Airport. It mainly operates charter and scheduled flights between the German North Sea coast and the East Frisian Islands, as well as to the island of Helgoland. [Wikipedia]

Inception: 1958

OFD Ostfriesischer-Flug-Dienst Ratings: 4.0 of 5 stars with 114 ratings

Germany | Headquarter: Emden
Offers of OFD Ostfriesischer-Flug-Dienst include: Flights